
That’s My Santa


About us

Karri Hamilton - Author

Karri Hamilton started her career in the Advertising field. She has spent the last few decades in Live-Event Productions where she enjoys being around a variety of people with creative ideas.

She has always wanted to change the view of Santa from just one stereotype to a variety that matches the personality of all the different kids that believe in Santa. When she met Josh Butts, she noticed that not only was he an incredibly talented artist but he had the ability to bring each character to life with fun illustrations and beautiful color. She is excited for this new book and hopes it brings happiness to every child that sees it.

She proudly calls Tulsa, Oklahoma her home where she lives with her husband, two adult children and a multitude of rescue dogs. She considers herself a steward for all animals and mother nature.

Josh Butts - Illustrator

Josh Butts received his education while serving with the 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry in Ar Ramadi, Iraq and his diploma in Fine Art from the University of Tulsa in the years that followed his deployment. 

Following his graduation from TU, Josh worked for the Folds of Honor Foundation and several ad agencies prior to starting his own company, Scrambler Creative Services. His illustrations have been featured in the Directory of Illustrations, Intermission Magazine, the Tulsa Opera and Oklahoma Magazine just to name a few. Josh also services a broad range of graphic design clients in the midwest region.

His fine artwork ranges from commissioned pencil sketches, editorial illustrations, oil paintings and large scale murals. His prolific career as a fine artist includes many private pieces for individuals, municipalities and corporations. 

Perhaps Josh's biggest qualifier as illustrator for "That's My Santa" is that he's a father to two very imaginative children, Marcus and Anna. Together with his wife Erin, The Butts family resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

That’s My Santa

As they stroll through town, Santa tells Keenan a big secret and they meet some other very unique and unexpected kinds of Santas. This colorful and fun book is about diversity and inclusion. Available in hardcover and paperback.


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